Practicing Physicians

Tax preparation, Bookkeeping, Business Advisory, Tax Planning


Tax filing special offer for residents and medical students

Send us your contact information before April 30th and get your taxes done at NO CHARGE.*

*CPAMD will put you in touch with a partner CPA firm that will do your taxes

Dear UBC medical students and residents,

CPAMD in collaboration with the UBC Medical Undergraduate Society is proud to support the MEDBall and would also like to gather valuable information about a new project for the medical community across the country : Doctors' Hub

To thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey, we are happy to give you a 10$ Amazon e-gift card.

Please fill out the survey no later than april 30 2024. Once completed, you will receive your gift card by email or text on May 15th.

Please use medical school email address
Selected Value: 0
Do you think it would be a good idea to create an exclusive club for physicians, residents and medical students where you could find education from industry experts and information about financial literacy (disability insurance, student debt, general tax advice, etc.) as well as special offers and exclusive deals for the medical community (such as no-charge tax return for medical students and residents)?
Selected Value: 0
Do you like the name: Doctors' HUB ?